Coding Dude

Google search algorithm update 2015 due in April

Significant change is coming to Google search algorithm, or so it’s announced by Google. Apparently the change is supposed to occur April 21, 2015 and it will have to do with a boost in ranking given to all sites that are mobile-friendly.

This change, says Google, hopes to improve the search experience by bringing more relevant results and also improve the mobile search experience.

For webmasters this is a very strong incentive to build their sites with mobile devices support. To check if your site is already mobile-friendly or not you can use this mobile-friendly check tool from Google. You just key in your site’s URL and you will get a score for mobile-friendliness.

Google had already months ago started to highlight in it’s SERPs whether a site was mobile friendly or not, but now they say that this fact will have “significant impact” on the ranking of a site.


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