Want To Know Why Google Sucks? In this post I give just a few examples of why Google sucks. You might not agree, but read on and let me know if I’m wrong in a comment. It’s not that I hate Google. I’m not a hater. Don’t get me wrong, Google is great, I use...
Author: John Negoita
Text In A Circle Using CSS & JavaScript
In this article I will share the CSS & JS code to generate circle text from a HTML text element. This technique makes a span element for each letter and rotates it slightly. You can generate a circle text by adjusting the font site and circle radius. Similar techniques have been implemented in online web...
Speed Up Your Website With These WordPress Plugins
The chances are high that a web programmer has said you need to speed up your website if you want more traffic. It’s practically an adage at this point, as speed is everything online. And it applies to just about every website, not just ones involved in e-commerce, blogging, and other industries that handle a...
How to Make A Cool Looking Bokeh CSS Effect
In this CSS tutorial I will show you how to create a heart shaped bokeh CSS effect. You can use the same code to create the CSS bokeh effect with other shapes too. This is the bokeh CSS effect we will make: For the impatient readers: Codepen Heart Shaped Bokeh Gist on Github Heart symbol...
Free Google SERP Checker PHP Script (Source Code & DEMO Included)
Google SERP Checker PHP Script I’ve made this SERP checker PHP script that shows the position or Google rank of a page for a certain keyword search. It also displays a preview of the how a certain page looks search engine results page. Though SERP is a generic term referring to all search engine results,...
Stroke Text CSS: 📕 The Definitive Guide
In this tutorial I will show you how to create the stroke text CSS effect. Before we go into the HTML and CSS code, if you only need to create a stroke text image, check out this tutorial and learn how to outline text in Photoshop. Or, if you don’t have Photoshop, you can use...
A Complete HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet – PDF Free Download
Get a free copy of this HTML5 canvas cheat sheet in PDF or PNG format Have you ever dreamed of being able to create original and intricate illustrations using nothing but HTML code? Well now, Web Developers and coding enthusiasts can now unleash their inner artist with HTML5. Thanks to advances in technology, HTML5 can...
Materialized Views In MySQL And MariaDB
You can implement materialized views in MySQL. How? Read this post and I will show you 3 different methods for creating a MySQL materialized view. An application is only as fast as it’s slowest component. If your application uses MySQL your objective is clear: Improve MySQL query performance to get faster data retrieval and...
Drawing simple line patterns using HTML5 canvas
In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a line pattern using JavaScript and the HTML5 canvas. Drawing with HTML5 canvas is not too difficult and it only requires some basic HTML and JavaScript knowledge. At the end of this tutorial you know how to do simple drawing using HTML5 canvas and JavaScript and how...
Add Text Before And After Content In WordPress (Complete Guide)
Add Text Before And After Content In WordPress Using Hooks (Complete Guide) This post will help you learn how to add or modify text before or after all WordPress content like posts or pages. The best part? You don’t need to be a WordPress or PHP expert. (In other words, I will provide you with...