If you are a tattoo shop owner or a tattooist looking to grow your business, then you need a website. In this article I will share the best tattoo websites design template, tattoo website themes and even a few tricks about how to get more traffic which will help your business as an ink artist....
Author: John Negoita
A Guide to Cross-Database Queries: PostgreSQL FDW & DbLink
When building a multi-tenant application with PostgreSQL, you might choose to store your tenant-specific data in separate schemas within the same database. This is a common and efficient approach. However, what if you need to access information like tenant credentials that are stored in a completely separate database, possibly even on a different server? For...
Scrolling Text Using HTML
When you’ve been building web applications for over 25 years like I have, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript becomes second nature. In this article, I’ll show you some simple ways to create scrolling text using these tools. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to add a neat effect to your site, there’s a method...
Reviving Canvas Rendering in Inactive Chrome Tabs
Chrome has made a change that causes the canvas content to not render when the tab with the canvas becomes inactive. Here are possible solutions. I’m using Chrome 125.0.6422.78 and the problem still persists in this version. Chrome Canvas Not Rendering In Inactive Or Hidden Tabs When a tab with a canvas is minimized, switched...
CSS Badges
You know that I have a lot of experience with CSS, exploring all sort of topics from basic to advanced. A while back I wrote a tutorial about CSS stroke text and I thought that a similar topic would be CSS badges. Here is a quick CSS tutorial on how to create CSS badges: What...
Simple Face Swap Python Script [FREE DOWNLOAD ↧]
Have you ever wanted to swap faces between two images? Perhaps you’d like to put your friend’s face on a celebrity’s body or create a funny meme by swapping faces. Whatever the reason, this Python script leverages the OpenCV and dlib libraries to make face swapping a reality. You can download the face swap Python...
Essential Testing Types Every Developer Should Know
Think of software like a brand-new car. Before you take it out for a spin, you want to ensure everything works perfectly, right? Development testing in software development is like checking your car’s brakes, lights, and engine before hitting the road. It helps find any problems (or “bugs”) that could make the software crash or...
CSS User Interface Basics
Hey there, tech enthusiasts and webmasters! Have you ever marveled at the sleek, interactive user interfaces on some websites and wondered, “How do they do that?” Well, the magic often lies in the heart of CSS – the stylistic master of the web world. Creating designs that win users’ hearts is a strong side of...
CSS Rainbow Text
Learn how to create stunning CSS rainbow text effects using HTML and CSS. Explore step-by-step instructions and CSS techniques to add vibrant and colorful text with overlapping shadows to your web design projects.
CSS Speech Bubbles
CSS Speech bubbles are awesome elements to use in online comic books or designs that mimic comic books. Even if you are not into comic books, you might still enjoy this tutorial about how to create speech bubbles with CSS. I have a lot of experience with CSS and there are many ways to create...