CSS Badge

CSS Badges

You know that I have a lot of experience with CSS, exploring all sort of topics from basic to advanced. A while back I wrote a tutorial about CSS stroke text and I thought that a similar topic would be CSS badges. Here is a quick CSS tutorial on how to create CSS badges: What...

CSS User Interface Basics

CSS User Interface Basics

Hey there, tech enthusiasts and webmasters! Have you ever marveled at the sleek, interactive user interfaces on some websites and wondered, “How do they do that?” Well, the magic often lies in the heart of CSS – the stylistic master of the web world. Creating designs that win users’ hearts is a strong side of...

CSS Speech Bubble

CSS Speech Bubbles

CSS Speech bubbles are awesome elements to use in online comic books or designs that mimic comic books. Even if you are not into comic books, you might still enjoy this tutorial about how to create speech bubbles with CSS. I have a lot of experience with CSS and there are many ways to create...

CSS Threshold Filter

CSS Threshold Filter

In this short post, we try our hand at creating a simple CSS threshold filter. Just as Photoshop’s threshold fine-tunes images by creating stark black and white contrasts, the CSS Threshold Filter allows you to enhance web elements with striking visual impact. Whether it’s highlighting interactive buttons, crafting captivating overlays, or adding depth to hover...

Why is HTTPS Important?

Why Is HTTPS Important?

Web Development Trends: Embracing SSL and HTTPS as Standard Practice In the dynamic realm of web development, maintaining a competitive edge necessitates a perpetual state of staying ahead. To remain sure of the visual aesthetics, functioning and security of their websites, developers must possess knowledge of the advanced practices and best standards within their domain....

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